Unit 3参考答案Part A. Listen and number (听1听,标序号).2 1 4 3. Listen and number (听1听,标序号).1 2 4 3 5. Read and match (读1读,连1连).mouth--嘴巴face--脸nose--鼻子eye--眼睛ear--耳朵. Read and circle (读句子,根据图片圈出括号内正确的单词).nose eye ear mouth. Match and say (连1连,说1说).nose--鼻子eye--眼睛ear--耳朵mouth--嘴巴nose--鼻子face--脸. Draw and introduce yourself (先画出自己的头部,再在横线上填上自己的英语名字,然后向你的朋友介绍1下自己的5官吧).略. Look and circle (看1看,圈出图片对应单词的首字母).1.e 2. h 3. F 4. i 5. D. Read, match and write (读1读,连1连,仿照例子写1写).Hh--手Gg--礼物Ii--冰激凌Ee--大象Ff--脚Part B. Listen and number (听1听,标序号).左:1 3右:24.Listen and number (听1听,标序号).3 6 4 5 1 2.Read and match (根据图片和对话内容提示连线).Hi, Mike. How are you?--Very well. Thanks.Hi, Mr Jones. How are you? --I’m fine. Thank you, Miss White.Hi, Zip. How are you? --Very well. Thank you, Zoom.How are you? --Very well. Thanks..Find and match (找1找,连1连).head--头foot--脚body--身体arm--胳膊hand--手leg--腿.Read and。
去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:收集小学ppt pep人教版小学3年级上册英语Unit6单元练习题
1、写出单词的中文意思。 three eightsix nineseven ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) fourten two five one ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2、读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。 A.six B. seven C. three D. five E. ten F. eight 1. two + four =__________2. nine÷three =_____________ 3. four + ____________= nine 4.seven + three =_____________ 5. _______ - one = six6.two×four =_______________
3、将右栏答语前的序号填在左边的括号内。 ()How old are you?A. Ten gifts. ()How many gifts?B. Sure. Here you are. ()May I have a look?C. Thank you. ()Can I have some juice?D. I’m fine, thank you.。
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去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:收集小学ppt pep人教版小学3年级上册英语Unit6单元练习题
1、写出单词的中文意思。 three eightsix nineseven ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) fourten two five one ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2、读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。 A.six B. seven C. three D. five E. ten F. eight 1. two + four =__________2. nine÷three =_____________ 3. four + ____________= nine 4.seven + three =_____________ 5. _______ - one = six6.two×four =_______________
3、将右栏答语前的序号填在左边的括号内。 ()How old are you?A. Ten gifts. ()How many gifts?B. Sure. Here you are. ()May I have a look?C. Thank you. ()Can I have some juice?D. I’m fine, thank you.。