


“狗不理”包子我们都知道,也都吃过,但是会吃,你会说吗?NO! Noooo,才不是!好了,就不卖关子了——狗不理=Go Believe! 1直以为狗不理包子只有这个接地气的名字,然而实则早在2008年包子君就有了它fashion的英文名——Go Believe!直译就是“去相信!”(Can you believe this?)英文解析:The pronunciation of “Go Believe” is quite similar to its original Chinese name,and the meaning is also in accordance with the same belief in the group.取自其谐音,又体现了天津狗不理集团的集体信念,真棒!根据当时媒体的报道,在当年的北京奥运会前夕,天津市为了推广本地的特色小吃品牌搞了1个“给咱好馆子起个洋名字”的活动。于是天津人民集思广益,最后就想出了这么1个与“狗不理”3个字发音极为相似的“Go Believe”这个名字,并获得了当时“起洋名”活动中的专家的1致好评。



肉包子的英文是:bakpau、bah-pau、steamed bun with stuffing of minced meat。短语搭配:

1、煎肉包子:fried meat-stuffed bun.

2、肉包子打狗,有去无还:throw a meat-stuffed bun at a dog—something gone, never to return; kiss one's money good-bye.双语例句:

1、我经常买两个肉包子,1个白煮鸡蛋和1杯豆浆当早餐。I often buy two meat buns (baozi), a hard boiled egg and a cup of soy milk as breakfast.

2、鸡蛋和豆浆富含蛋白质,肉包子能提供足够我1早上工作所需的能量。Eggs and soy milk is full of protein, meat buns will provide enough energy for work for one morning.

3、诚然,在世界任何1个地方,从秘鲁首都利马市到美国俄亥俄州的利马市,你都可以找到中国餐馆,买到猪肉包子和馄饨这样的便宜小吃。Yes, there are tens of thousands of places to buy second-rate pork buns and wontons in any town you might happen to be in, from Lima, Peru, to Líma, Ohio.肉包子,古老的汉族面食小吃,与包子与豆浆搭配向来是经典早餐,肉包的肉馅鲜美,营养丰富,可多做1些放在冰箱里速冻,早上弄热了即可吃了。肉包子种类很多,有猪肉的,牛肉的等等。其他类型的包子有各类蔬菜的混摆的,可以根据个人口味来混搭。其中属蟹黄汤包最为复杂,从面皮到馅料都极为讲究,但是个中滋味的确是非亲身体验而不能体会的。



要看你说的包子是什么包子了。如果是中国传统那种蒸的,就是steam bun(或者直接bao zi也是可以的)西点那种烤的就是 bake breadsteamed stuffed bun蒸的有馅儿的小面包。



steamed stuffed bunn.包子网络肉包子;有内馅的包子1.Changes into is in the family, already put on likes the steamed stuffed bun to be same.换成是家里,早就穿得像包子1样了。2.About the formation of irrigation soup steamed stuffed bun, a very touching legend.关于灌汤包子的形成,有1个非常感人的传说。3.Breakfast two steamed stuffed bun, midday 8 steamed breads, basic also not hungry.早饭两个包子,中午8个馒头,也基本不饿4.Steamed stuffed bun history from zhuge liang talk.包子的历史是从诸葛亮说起的。



包子的英文是:steamed stuffed bun 。例句:他可不是什么土包子。他非常聪明。He's no rube. He's a very smart guy.肉包子打狗--有去无回的英文是:Chasing a dog by throwing meat dumplings at it-gone, never to return.拓展资料:与包子相关的英语词汇有:小笼包子 :steamed small dumpling in basket小笼包 :small cage-steamed bun/xiaolongbao猪肉包和水晶包子: crystal dumpling。