


My favorite animal is dog because of the following reasons. First of all, dogs are very friendly to humans. We have been living together since long time ago. Secondly, dogs are very loyal. They will never abandon there keepers. Finally, dogs could help people in many ways, like guiding the blind or seaching for things. Above all best explained why I like dogs very much.我最喜欢的动物是狗因为以下几点。首先,狗对人类非常的友善。很久以前我们便已经1起生活了。第2,狗很忠诚。他们从来不会抛弃他们的主人。最后,狗也能在多方面帮助人们,比如引导盲人或者搜寻东西。以上便很好得解释了为什么我很喜欢狗。



Hamburger is the main food in the modern western fast food. In addition to the traditional beef cake, the second layer of the is soy sauce, and then the vegetables and other food can be the hamburger, so the mainnon-staple food can be eaten at the same time.汉堡是现代西式快餐中的主要食物,现代汉堡中除夹传统的牛肉饼外,还在圆面包的第2层中涂以芥末、番茄酱、沙拉酱等,再夹入蔬菜、酸黄瓜等食物,就可以同时吃到主副食。Hamburger should be more nutritious, bread supplement carbohydrate, meat supplement protein and energy, lettuce vitamin and vegetab nutrients, thousand island sauce sugar, and it is very convenient。汉堡应该来说是比较有营养的,面包补充碳水化合物,肉补充蛋白质和能量,生菜补充维生素和菜特有的营养成分,千岛酱补充糖分,而且很方便。In Asia, hamburgers usually have small round bread with various ingredients and sauces. In addition to the most typical minced beef patty, lettuce, tomato, pineapple, minced pork patty, seafood and other options.亚洲地区的汉堡1般会有切开的小圆面包,中间夹著各式各样的食材和酱料,除了最典型的牛绞肉肉饼,生菜,番茄之外,还有凤梨,猪绞肉肉饼,海鲜等等不同的选择。扩展资料历史起源:




4、1850年,德国移民将汉堡肉饼烹制技艺带到美国。后来花样翻新,逐渐与3明治合流,将牛肉饼夹在1剖为2的小面包当中,称为“汉堡包”。参考资料来源:百度百科-汉堡 。



英语银物介绍事情培搏雹: Look, this a new chair. It's arms can be folded. It'配帆s also not heavy. So it's can be carried out for your travelling.。



这句话可以表达成 My birthday is on May nine and at that day my parents hold a big birthday party for me. There are lots of delicious food such as birthday cake, fish,noodles and so on. 我的生日是5月9日,在那天我的父母为我举办了1场盛大的生日聚会。有许多美食,比如生日蛋糕,鱼,面条等等。



写作思路:作文要求介绍妹妹,写人的作文,要抓住妹妹的外貌、性格特征等描写。正文:Hello, everyone! I’m so glad to tell you something about my sister, whose name is Winnie.大家好!我很荣幸能向你们介绍我的妹妹。她的名字叫温妮。She is three years old. She has two big eyes with very long eyelash. 她3岁了。她有1双大眼睛,很长的睫毛。And she has a small nose and a small mouth. She is very lovely. I like to play with her very much.她有1个小鼻子和1个小嘴。她很可爱。我很喜欢和她1起玩。When she is angry, she will cry, and she cries very loudly. 当她生气时,她会哭,而且她哭很大声。Sometimes, she threw something if she wasn’t happy. It was very terrible then.有时候,她不高兴的时候会扔东西。那时候很可怕。 One day, we were in a restaurant. I was sitting on a chair.1天,我们在1家餐馆。我坐在椅子上。Winnie wanted to sit in the chair which I was sitting in.I didn't want her to sit in mine, so she cried very loudly again.温妮想坐在我坐的椅子上。我不想让她坐在我的座位上,所以她又大声哭了起来。I gave up and let her sit. And she cried more loudly, she might think I wouldn't play with her anymore.我放弃了,让她坐下。她哭得更大声了,她可能认为我不会再和她玩了。At last, I comforted her, gave her something to drink, and she smiled throug tears.最后,我安慰了她,给了她喝的东西,她笑得泪流满面。
